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 mama nurture midwifery services

Please inquire by phone or email regarding rate and availability

“If we want to find safe alternatives to obstetrics, we must rediscover midwifery. To rediscover midwifery is the same as giving back childbirth to women... imagine the future if surgical teams were at the service of the midwives and the women instead of controlling them.” 

– Michel Odent, MD

prenatal care

  • 1hr prenatal visits in your home or in my office: standard schedule once a month till 28 weeks gestation, bi-weekly till 36 weeks, then once a week till birth. Visits include: blood pressure, urine analysis, belly palpation with fundal height measurement to check on fetal growth, listening to the baby’s heartbeat, and discussion of current questions and concerns
  • lab testing including bloodwork, optional genetic testing, and recommended screenings such as gestational diabetes
  • counseling on health, lifestyle, nutrition, and exercise for a healthy pregnancy
  • preparation for postpartum and breastfeeding from a board certified lactation consultant
  • referrals to practitioners and resources that may be needed such as required 20 week ultrasound

birth care

  • home midwifery care on call for you birth between 37-42 weeks of pregnancy

  • assessment of maternal and fetal well- being (listening to fetal heart rate, mother’s pulse, blood pressure, etc), maintaining informed choice and offer recommendations and alternatives when complications or challenges occur
  • we carry the all necessary equipment for birth and postpartum and are trained to provide neonatal resuscitation, carry oxygen, as well as suture perineal tears
  • prior to leaving your home at 2-4 hrs after birth, our midwives will assess the well- being of mother and baby, assist with breastfeeding as needed, perform a thorough newborn exam, and ensure the comfort and safety of mom and baby

postpartum and lactation care

  • we offer 4 postpartum visits, including 3 home visits, the final visit at 6 weeks postpartum

  • postpartum visits include assessment of mom and baby’s vital signs, general well-being and emotional wellness, newborn development and behavior patterns, recovery from the birthing process
  • the CCHD screening and newborn screening is performed in home and results made available for your pediatrician
  • continued breastfeeding expertise from an IBCLC (International Board Certified Lactation Consultant)
  • referrals to practitioners, community resources as needed
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